Terms of Use

Our Goal

Crankshaft Repair’s primary goal is to share objective and unbiased professional advice, with consumers, that is free of financial influence. By empowering vehicle owners with knowledge, consumers are better prepared to understand how their crankshaft operates, what machining processes are used to perform repairs and the cost associated with specific machining operations. In an effort to achieve our goal of helping vehicle owners, our website usage is subject to our terms of use policy. Please read below to learn how this policy applies to you and your use of this website.


The content that appears on this website is solely the professional opinion of individuals and is intended to help consumers better understand what a crankshaft is, its importance in regards to engine performance and what to expect when repairs are necessary. This content, including all text and imagery, may not be reproduced without the written consent of Crankshaft Repair. All content that appears on Crankshaft Repair is original and copyrighted material.


Those who visit this website, either by web browser or other means, agree to hold Crankshaft Repair and its providers harmless in any and all circumstances. Information posted on this website has been provided by ASE certified engine machinists, but the responsibility for any machine work or decisions made in regards to crankshaft and/or vehicle repairs is that of the vehicle owner and the automotive shop they are seeking service at.

Community Courtesy

When our users interact with each other, or comment on the information that appears on specific pages, it must be courteous and respectful. Crankshaft Repair does not tolerate vulgar language, hateful comments and other types of interaction that may be offensive. While we do encourage and accept constructive criticism, we ask that all users do so in a respectful manner.


Crankshaft Repair is a non-commercial website and does not represent the interests of any company, employer or agency. Because those that write for this website are employed in the automotive crankshaft machining industry as ASE certified engine machinists, it is important to specifically state that their opinions, comments and imagery do not represent the businesses that they work for.


We reserve the right to revise our terms of service without notice. Additional policies, such as our privacy policy, also govern the use of this website and may also be updated without notice.